Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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Apprentice Spotlight: Bernardo Gomez

We Catch up with Bernardo--Following His Career Path From Electrician Trainee Fast Track Program Graduate to Commercial Apprentice with WECA Member Contractor Rex Moore Group, Inc. 

We last interviewed Bernardo Gomez in 2015 as an Electrician Trainee Fast Track (EEFT) Program
graduate, and a recent Electrician Trainee hire of Rex Moore Group, Inc. Over two years later, he is now a successful Commercial Electrical Apprentice in his second year with Rex Moore.

Bernardo recalls how after a year of dedication and hard work, he was interviewed for his yearly review. He states, "A week later, I get a call from the office. The man I spoke to on the phone asked me if I was interested in the apprenticeship program. He then explained to me how the apprenticeship program works." Once Bernardo and his employer spoke about the commitment and inner workings of a WECA Apprenticeship, Bernardo was enthusiastic about transitioning from Electrician Trainee to Commercial Apprentice.

He attributes his success from his beginnings with the WECA EEFT program, then as an Electrician Trainee, and how as an Apprentice to being a reliable employee, learning from each project, and completing jobs that are not only up to Code, but also aesthetically pleasing. Bernardo also says, "working weekends if they need volunteers, showing up on time, and being willing to help others when they need you," those are crucial qualities of any successful apprentice.

Bernardo's favorite instructor at our Sacramento Training Facility is Zach Wallace, who Bernardo says is endlessly patient. "There were a few times that I was stuck on something, and he took the time to make sure I understood the concept." A good instructor can make all the difference.

We continue to wish Bernardo the very best in his electrical career with Rex Moore. His strong work ethic, positive attitude, and commitment to his new endeavor as a Commercial Apprentice are sure to take him far.

Has Bernardo's story gotten you interested in becoming a Commercial Apprentice too? Learn more about WECA's Commercial Apprenticeship Program and how to apply HERE