Kid's Day at WECA HQ
WECA held its annual Take Your Kids to Work Day event on August 5th. Staff brought their children, who ranged from 5 to 19 years old, for a day focused on fun and electrical learning.
After a tour of WECA's Rancho Cordova HQ, our kids joined renowned instructor, Jimmie Slemp, for some fun with electricity in the lab.
Jimmie poses the BIG QUESTION--What would your life be like without electricity?
WECA parents were all so proud to see their kids tackling the hands-on learning activities Jimmie demonstrated.
Jimmie shows VDV Instructor Steve Kappes' daughter how to connect a "switched" receptacle.
After all that learning, it was time for lunch and Zootopia, which won over all our staff kiddos--especially the youngest.
A future electrician or low-voltage professional, hard at work. :)
According to the NWHM, at least 37 million people have participated by taking their children to work since the Day's establishment in 1993. Today, participation spans 3.5 million workplaces, in 92 countries. WECA is proud to be a part of this tradition, and excited to help show boys and girls how rewarding a career in the electrical and low voltage trades can be.