Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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Salutatorian Erik Martinez Jimenez 2024














WECA Southern California Class of 2024 Low Voltage Salutatorian Erik Martinez Jimenez’s WECA education was multifaceted.

“The WECA program was great for me, because I got to learn multiple systems, which helped me out once I was in the field,” reports Erik, an employee of WECA Member Contractor AMS.net. “WECA taught me multiple skills which I could use in the field, too.”

Erik also appreciates that WECA’s in-classroom education also focused on dissecting and disseminating apprentices’ on-job experiences.

“We did a lot of stuff in the field that we later discussed in class, like why we did things a specific way or why we ran cables a certain way. Class helped me understand why we terminated things on the field and the purpose of it,” says Erik.

Erik’s WECA apprenticeship education, coupled with guidance from apprenticeship instructors, helped him pass the California Voice Data Video Technician certification exam and excel on and off the jobsite.

“The material we went over in class helped me pass the VDV exam,” recalls Erik. “Instructors also guided me over the years and were always there for us if we needed help.”

He also says that “Having the support of my family, friends, instructors, and coworkers contributed to my success at WECA. My work ethic and hunger to learn were also big factors.” 

For those wanting to replicate Erik’s drive and success, his advice is simple:

“Make yourself valuable by learning new things or getting certifications to show your hunger to succeed,” implores Erik. “Show your company that you want to be there by showing a great work ethic and by learning new things on your own. Always be on top of things when working with your coworkers, such as doing things without having them tell you. These three years go by fast, so enjoy your time as an apprentice and open your exam books throughout the years to be prepared [to pass the certification exam] by your third year.”

After graduating this fall, Erik has a laundry list of things he would like to accomplish.

“My plans are to become a lead for AMS.net, get a C7 contractors license in the future to start doing my own work, and get more certifications, such as BICSI, fire optic, and fire alarm certifications,” concludes Erik.

We love to see it—a graduate with the drive and determination to continually improve and craft their career! Congratulations on your graduation, Erik—we’ll be cheering you on as you conquer the industry!