Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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Jonathan Espinoza WECA Grad


Jonathan Espinoza, the Valedictorian of the WECA Southern California Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship Class of 2024, already had some experience under his toolbelt when he started his WECA Commercial Electrical Apprenticeship journey in 2019.

Jonathan began working for WECA Member Contractor Blum & Sons Electric, Inc. in 2018. After a year with the company, Blum & Sons offered Jonathan the opportunity to apprentice with them, an opportunity Jonathan says, “opened up many doors for me.”

“My WECA education and on-the-job training with Blum & Sons was instrumental in helping me pass my state exam and become the journeyman I am today,” says Jonathan. “I believe there were many factors that contributed to my success—my coworkers’ help, my instructors’ guidance, and my determination and my desire to succeed. But, most importantly, the support system I had from my family.”

Looking back on his apprenticeship journey, Jonathan advises apprentices to push themselves during the rigorous times, because the hard work will be worth it in the long run.

Moving forward, Jonathan plans to continue his education and branch out into various fields of electrical work.

“I would like to give a great thank you to everyone at Blum & Sons for providing this opportunity that I never thought I would get, and for always supporting me and helping me along the way. Most importantly, I would like to thank my wife and children for always being my biggest support system and motivation,” says Jonathan.

Congratulations on your graduation and your Valedictorian achievement, Jonathan! We have no doubt that your determination and ambition will serve you well in all aspects of your electrical career!