Western Electrical Contractors Association, Inc.

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Josh Nordholm, WECA Grad














WECA Southern California Class of 2024 Residential Valedictorian Josh Nordholm, an employee of WECA Member Contractor Surfside Electric, credits his success to WECA’s educational programs, culture, staff, and instructors.

“WECA provided me with a fully equipped academic environment, a culture of excellence, and the staff and teachers who maintain high standards of learning, which were all conducive to preparing me for a career in the electrical trade,” says Josh. “In class, it was all about industry standards—this is how things should be done, and here’s what you need to know to get it done properly and safely.”

However, Josh says that his success was not linear and advises that current and future apprentices embrace that reality when faced with obstacles or doubt.

“I always strove for perfection in class and in the field. Did I always achieve it? Heck no! And that’s okay, but I can say that I gave it my all and I got as close to perfect as I was going to get. So, stick with it. There are some pretty intimidating aspects of the curriculum and the trade, but trust the process. WECA knows what they’re doing. And don’t be late on your dang time cards,” entreats Josh.

Reflecting more on his time in WECA’s Residential Electrical Apprenticeship Program, Josh shared lots of appreciation for his instructors and his boss at Surfside Electric, Ryan.

“Jaron, Neil, and Don all brought a unique flavor to the classroom, but all were equally committed to seeing us succeed. I’m pretty sure Jaron knows everything, and it was a pleasure to pick his brain,” reminisces Josh. “Neil was always talking to us about the bigger picture and helping us understand the nature of the job and situations we would likely face. Don is a real nice guy with insane grip strength, but there were no shortcuts in his class. If you asked him a question, he would tell you how to find the answer. You could ask him if it’s okay to wear blue on Tuesdays and he would ask ‘What’s the code say?’ I also appreciate my boss Ryan for sponsoring me through the apprenticeship and just being an understanding and supportive guy.”

Now that Josh has his Residential Electrical Apprenticeship Program certificate under his toolbelt, he reports that the sky is the limit for his future.

“I’ll keep learning and working for Surfside Electric,” says Josh. “I may go out on my own eventually, or I could go work for a facility and teach! The doors are now open.”

Congratulations, Josh! Thank you for applying humor and humility to your WECA education, and for sharing those nuggets of wisdom with us. We look forward to following your endeavors—including maybe seeing you as an instructor in the halls of a WECA training facility in the future!